JRK's Anti coff Syrup

Scientifically Proven Non-Drowsy Cough Formula with Blood Purifying Effect!

Formulated with soothing herbs experience effective relief from cough as it removes allergens, pathogens and soothes your throat. Benefit from its mucolytic and muco-constrictor properties, suppressing irritant reactions in the respiratory passage. With a local anti-inflammatory effect and blood purification capabilities, this syrup ensures a quick recovery. Harnessing the power of natural ingredients like Aniscochilus carnosus, Leucas aspera, and more, it increases phagocyte ability, enhancing immunity. Get ready to conquer cough and restore your well-being. 

Available as - 100 ml

Product Benefits

Gives quick relief from dry and allergic cough
Removes allergens / antigens
Possess mucolytic and muco - constrictor effect
Soothens and minimizes dryness of throat


Each 5 ml contains extracts of

  •  Aniscochilus carnosus : 5 mg
  •  Leucas aspera : 5 mg
  •  Ocimum sanctum : 2 mg
  •  Solanum trilbatum : 5 mg
  •  Acalypha indica : 2 mg
  •  Adathoda vasica : 2 mg

 Syrup Base : Q.S.


Adults: 10 ml twice a day.

Children 1-10 years: 5ml twice a day

(OR) As directed by the physician.


Scientific Proof

JRK’s Anti coff syrup increases the ability of the phagocytes in blood to ingest antigens and pathogens.

Phagocytosis is chiefly a defensive reaction against infection and invasion of the body by foreign substances (antigens).

Phagocytes are cells present in the blood which protect the body
by ingesting harmful foreign particles, bacteria and dead cells.

They are essential for fighting infections and building immunity.

Proof of blood purification effect

Anti-coff syrup treated phagocytes

 Ingestion of bacterial cells by 200 times

 Ingestion of yeast cells by 1400 times

 Ingestion of known allergen carbon particle by 850 times.

Frequently asked questions

What is Cough?

Cough is a reflex action to clear the throat of mucus or foreign particles/antigens. Cough is an explosive expiration that provides a normal protective mechanism for clearing the trachea bronchial tree of secretions and foreign material.

What are the types of cough?

Cough is a reflex action to clear the throat of mucus or foreign particles/antigens. Cough is an explosive expiration that provides a normal protective mechanism for clearing the trachea bronchial tree of secretions and foreign material.

Whom does it affect?

People of any age can get cough of any of the four types and it is no gender specific as well. People with low immunity and hyper sensitivity people are more prone to dry and allergic cough.

How JRK’s Anticoff relieves from cough?
  • Removes allergens/antigens/carbon particles that cause cough by increasing phagocytosis.
  • Offers relief from dry and allergic cough coupled with a unique blood purification effect.
What is blood purification meant here?

Removal of toxins present in the blood and treats the cough at root cause level.

Are there any scientific studies for JRK’s Anticoff?

There are in-vitro and clinical studies to prove the efficacy of JRK’s Anticoff.

Proprietary Siddha Medicine

The information and details provided on this page is not intended to be an alternative for professional medical advice. Consulting a qualified medical practitioner for diagnosis and regular clinical follow up is recommended.