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Hair is a protein filament that grows from follicles found in the dermis. Hair is one of the defining characteristics of mammals. The human body, apart from areas of glabrous skin, is covered in follicles which produce thick terminal and fine vellus hair. A good head of hair provides some degree of warmth and protection from ultra violet radiation.

Anatomy of hair

Hair follicle, hair and sebaceous glands are collectively called that one fundamental unit which is responsible for hair production and these are penetrating up to the dermis of skin. Hair follicles form before the ninth week of foetal life. The hair matrix is the germinative part of hair follicle.

Anatomy of hair, Hair follicle

Your hair begins growing from a root in the bottom of the follicle. The root is made up of cells of protein. Blood from the blood vessels in your scalp feeds the root, which creates more cells and makes the hair grow. The hair gets pushed up through the skin as it grows, passing an oil gland along the way.

Physiology of hair growth

The lower part of the hair is the site of the growth. About halfway up the follicle, it becomes keratinised structure devoid of living cells. The junction of these two zones (Adamson’s fringe) is the level up to which keratinophilic fungi infect the hair. Actually living cells are not infected, so no permanent hair loss occurs following ringworm infection of scalp.

The hair has a cyclical pattern of growth.  In this cycle, there are three phases.

three phases of hair growth Physiology

Anagen (Growing phase) - It is active phase of hair production and it lasts an average of 1000 days on the scalp.

Catagen (Involution phase) – It is a short conversion phase from active growth to resting phase. Growth stopped and the end of the hair become club shaped. It is lasting only a few days.

Telogen (Resting phase) – It is a resting phase and at the end of which the club hair is shed. It lasts about 100 days.

The duration of each of these stages varies from region to region. On the scalp, said to contain an average of 100 000 hairs, anagen lasts for up to 3-4 years, catagen for about 2 weeks, and telogen for about 3 months.

One peculiar fact is that hair growth is not uniform and each hair has its own cycle. Hair growth is mainly androgen dependent even in females and testicular androgen responsible for beard growth and balding of head.

 As many as 100 hairs may be shed from the normal scalp every day as a normal consequence of cycling. On the scalp, about 85% are normally in anagen and 15% in the telogen phase.

The length of hair is determined by the duration of anagen; e.g. the hairs of the eyebrows have shorter cycles than those of the scalp.

Hair growth and development is under endocrine control. Fine balance of oestrogens, androgens and gonodotrophins determines the pattern in individual.

Natural ways to grow hair

  • Oil massage
  • Regular Hair washing
  • Air-dry your hair
  • Hydrate your hair
  • Comb gently
  • Ditch heat-styling tools
  • Reach for chemical-free products

Such chemical free products for hair growth – Anagen Grow & Kesh raksha oil

Anagen grow, a unique hair growth serum scientifically proven for a total and permanent solution to the problem of hair loss and androgenic alopecia

Anagen grow, a unique hair growth serum


Keshraksha oil is a one stop hair fall solution that rejuvenates the hair follicles and increase the hair growth. Kesh raksha oil , hair oil for hair growth and hair fall which is useful for Premature greying hair and Excessive hair fall

air oil for hair growth and hair fall

Usage Instructions – Anagen Grow

  • Apply Anagen grow serum regularly on the scalp and spread evenly through the hair as well.
  • Use regularly to achieve hair growth and reduce hair damage


As directed by the physician.
For external use only

Usage Instructions – Kesh raksha oil (anti hair fall oil)

  • Apply Kesh raksha oil after bath over the scalp and roots of hair.
  • Regular and long term use of Kesh raksha oil is recommended.


As directed by the physician.
For external use only


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