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Effective oral treatment for psoriasis | pesin tablets
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Effective oral treatment for psoriasis | pesin tablets

Psoriasis is a multifactorial skin disease characterized by a significantly reduced turnover time of the stratum corneum by as much as three-quarters of its original duration. This accelerated process means that new skin cells or daughter cells, are not able to provide the essential protection that healthy skin needs.  


Oral therapy for psoriasis, Pesin tablets

Pesin tablets are indicated for psoriasis and immune deficiency disorders, and they also boost immunity. Provide a variety of significant health benefits. They possess anti-inflammatory properties, exhibit antioxidant activity, and help regulate cell proliferation while maintaining the balance of elastin and collagen.

 A proprietary siddha drug developed by Dr. JRK’s research and pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd for the treatment of psoriasis. It is formulated with a unique combination of roots, whole plants, metals, and minerals, making it a distinctive Siddha remedy. The formulation of pesin, according to the siddha system, has been proven effective for psoriasis. These features make pesin tablets an excellent option for those seeking relief from psoriasis symptoms.

The AYUSH vaidyas in India have shown strong support for pesin tablets, appreciating their effectiveness in providing relief to patients. The base ingredient, Ashwagandha, adds an anxiolytic effect, promoting calmness and tranquility for those dealing with the challenges of psoriasis.

Explore the wonders of the Siddha system and experience benefits of pesin tablets. This oral therapy can help form a long-lasting bond with our range of products, ensuring the comprehensive support in managing psoriasis condition.

Psoriasis tablet , skin infection tablet


Pesin tablets, get quick relief from psoriatic symptoms. These tablets effectively inhibit keratinocyte multiplication, alleviate itching and inflammation, and boost immunity.

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