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Diabetes and quality of life

Diabetes and quality of life

Quality of life is an important health outcome representing the ultimate goal of all health interventions. General quality of life comprises several domains of life, and these are highly individualized. Quality of life is measured as physical, social functioning and mental well-being.

Diabetes and quality of life

There has been significant acknowledgement of the importance of assessing the impact of diabetes on quality of life. India is fast emerging as the diabetes capital of the world. Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder wherein insulin production is affected or the cells develop resistance to insulin that metabolizes glucose and enhances absorption in the body.

Diabetes and quality of life

Fast paced and stressed lifestyle along with change in food habits cause diabetes. People with diabetes have poor quality of life than people with no chronic illness, but a better quality of life than people with most other serious chronic diseases. Intensive treatment does not impair quality of life, and having better glycemic control is associated with better quality of life.

Diabetes and quality of life

Diabetes triggers many organ dysfunctions (Co-morbidities)

Diabetes is the chief predisposing factor that triggers many diseases like hypertension, hyperlipidemia, chronic kidney disease, cardio vascular diseases, liver malfunction and nerve degeneration etc. Complications of diabetes are the most important disease-specific determinant of quality of life.

Diabetes and quality of life

Be aware and beware of co-morbidities

As per global statistics, only 40.6% of diabetic patients are aware that diabetes would lead to comorbidities like progressive organ damage. Hyperglycemic shock due to diabetes damages liver, kidney, heart, nervous system, eyesight etc. The extent of damage varies from person to person and is progressive in nature and remains silent for a long time.

Some of the known complications of diabetes are

Blood pressure


Hepatic damage

Renal impairment

Stroke and cardiac problems


Diabetes and quality of life

Conventional drugs for diabetes increase glucose metabolism and or delay the release of glucose from complex carbohydrates (alpha amylase and alpha glycosidase inhibition) though it is not a comprehensive treatment.

Today there is no ‘single dose’ drug formulation which safeguards diabetic patients from co morbidities in addition to controlling blood sugar.

JRK’s D-Co-D – brings paradigm shift in the treatment

Introducing JRK’s D-Co-D, offers the dual benefits of protecting vital organs from hyperglycemia and reducing blood glucose.

In conventional treatment, the organ impairments due to hyperglycemia are treated largely with wide spectrum of separate medicaments whereas DCOD comes as ‘single drug therapy’ to minimize the organ level damage in long run.  The term single drug therapy refers to repertoire of pharmacological benefits derived from a poly herbal formulation.

Start early with JRK's D-Co-D tablets and you desereve to have a quality life forever!

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