After COVID-19 breakout, the siddha classical drug Kabasura kudineer is the talk of the state of Tamilnadu and now it is the house hold name of the state. State government of Tamilnadu and Kerala include the Kabasura kudineer as an add-on drug in the COVID19 management and the outcome of the results are encouraging so far.
What is Kabasura kudineer?
Kabasura kudineer is the Siddha classical drug which has been in clinical practice for long period of time in the management of Fever associated with respiratory problems in Siddha system of Medicine. It is a concoction of 15 herbals and has a long history of human use.

What is the rationale behind Kabasura kudineer?
The signs and symptoms of COVID19 are closely aligning with kabasuram in the Siddha system of medicine. Kabasuram is one of 64 types of fevers in siddha literature and kabam means phlegm (Mucus produced in the respiratory passage). Kabasura kudineer is the one of the drugs in the management of kabasuram (Fever associated with respiratory problems).
Kabasura kudineer- Why?
Siddha experts recommended the Kabasura kudineer in this novel virus infection from the bunch of formulations indicated for Kabasuram because
- All the ingredients are herbals.
- Bio-active molecules of individual ingredients are addressing the signs and symptoms of COVID19 in Insilico studies.
- Making of decoction is easy.
What are the contents of kabasura kudineer?
It is a herbal concoction of 15 herbals and all herbs are present in equal amount. The following are the contents
Chukku (Sunthi) Zingiber officinale : 1 part (6.67%)
Tippili (Pippali) Piper longum : 1 part (6.67%)
Ilavangam (Lavanaga) Syzygium aromaticum : 1 part (6.67%)
Cirukancori (Vrscikalli) Tragia involucrata : 1 part (6.67%)
Akkirakaram (Akarakarabha) Anacyclus pyrethrum : 1 part (6.67%)
Mulli (Artagala) Barleria cristata : 1 part (6.67%)
Kadukkaithol (Haritaki) Terminalia chebula : 1 part (6.67%)
Adathodai (Vasaka) Adathoda vasica : 1 part (6.67%)
Karpooravalli (Ajapada) Anisochilus carnosus : 1 part (6.67%)
Kostam (Kustha) Saussurea lappa : 1 part (6.67%)
Seenthil (Guduchi) Tinosporia cordifolia : 1 part (6.67%)
Siru thekku (Bharangi) Clerodendrum serratum : 1 part (6.67%)
Nilavembu (Bhunimba) Andrographis paniculata : 1 part (6.67%)
Vattathiruppi (Patha) Cissampelos pareira : 1 part (6.67%)
Koraikizhangu (Musta) Cyperus rotundus : 1 part (6.67%)
What are the benefits of Kabasura kudineer?
The main targets of COVID19 treatment are improving immunity, reducing fever and preventing the respiratory distress. It is believed that the above said herbals addressing the above mentioned problems. Based on recent studies and literature, we arrange approximately as following
Fever control | Respiratory health | Immune support & Antiviral |
Chukku Zingiber officinale | Tippili Piper longum | Seenthil Tinosporia cordifolia |
Cirukancori Tragia involucrata | Mulli Barleria cristata | Nilavembu Andrographis paniculata |
Akkirakaram Anacyclus pyrethrum | Adathodai Adathoda vasica | Vattathiruppi Cissampelos pareira |
Vattathiruppi Cissampelos pareira | Karpooravalli Anisochilus carnosus | |
Koraikizhangu Cyperus rotundus | Kostam Saussurea lappa | |
Siru thekku Clerodendrum serratum |
Out of 15 herbs, Seenthil, Tippli, Adadhodai, Chukku, vattathiruppi and Nilavembu are important herbs.
Water decoction of Vattatiruppi has been in practice for malarial fevers in African continent.
By virtue of above facts, the ancient prescription kabasura kudineer for present day COVID19 disease is effective and safe for human consumption based on empirical experience. Drink kabasura kudineer as a preventive step as well as therapeutic under expert guidance and stay safe. In the new normal, we must learn to take right precautions, venturing out only when needed and accepting to live with the virus.