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Fight against this pandemic with the support of KABASURA KUDINEER CHOORNAM
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Fight against this pandemic with the support of KABASURA KUDINEER CHOORNAM

Kabasura kudineer choornam, (kabam – cold; suram – fever; kudineer - concoction) is a sastric siddha formulation consisting of fifteen herbal ingredients.

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It is used for the treatment of fever with respiratory infections. It is prescribed during viral pandemics as a supportive drug . It helps in managing the symptoms and can be used as a co prescription along with the main treatment.

Siddha medicine is not only for healing but also for prevention and rejuvenation. The aim of siddha treatment is based on the following tenets.

a. To bring the three doshas to  normal equilibrium state.

b. Treatment of the disease by internal medicines.

c. Diet Regimen

d. Rejuvenation of health

According to siddha principles of causation of diseases, any type of suram (fever) occurs due to the accumulation of kabam (phlegm). In Iyasuram or kaba suram, kabam is increased much more than its normal state and this favours the infection to occur. Usually kabam is increased due to factors like food habits and lifestyle. The accumulated kabam (phlegm) in the chest is reduced by giving medicines like thalisathi vadagam.

 If there is fever with cold, cough and other respiratory disorders – Kabasura kudineer is the best option to treat.

cough ,fever ,

Kabasura Kudineer can be used for managing fever, shivering, cough, nasal congestion, body pain, diarrhoea, irritation and watering in eyes, laryngeal irritation, loss of taste etc.

Even with all these benefits, because of its cumbersome process to prepare a kashayam/kudineer , patient compliance has been less.

Dr.JRK’s has come out with a unique ready to drink formulation of Kabasura kudineer which takes only two minutes to prepare.

Dr.JRK’s Kabasura kudineer is available as instant form, where we need to mix 5 gms in  warm water and drink. It is easy to prepare with superior therapeutics.

With boosted immunity and following the advised measures by government we can easily contain this pandemic.


Kabasura kudineer is  made from

Nilavembu (Andrographis paniculata), kanduparangi (Clerodendrun serratum), chukku (dried ginger), thippili (piper longum), Ilavangam(Syzygium aromaticum) , adathodai ver(root of Justicia beddomei), Cirukancori Ver (Tragia involucrate), seenthil (Tinosporia cordifolia), karpooravalli (Anisochilus carnosus), koraikizhangu (Cyperus rotundus), kostam (Costus speciosus), akkara (Anacyclus pyrethrum) Vattathiruppi Ver (Sida acuta), Mulli Ver (Hygrophilla auriculata) and Kadukkaithol (Terminalia chebula) is found to be efficient in prevention and treatment of viral fevers with respiratory problems.

Kabasura Kudineer is an ideal siddha sastric medicine indicated in ancient siddha literature for managing the symptoms of viral fever as a co prescription  along with the main treatment.


As directed by physician. (Or)
Add 5gms of powder in 60ml of warm water and stir.
Drink Kabasura Kudineer when warm .Take twice a day for minimum of 5 days.

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