Personal health is in the spotlight more than ever. Living in a world of restless addiction to social media and constantly striving for more success and recognition, it’s easy to forget the connection between hand hygiene and health.

After the outbreak of COVID-19 disease, maintaining of hand hygiene is the advice from all corners and many number of Hand sanitizers and Hand wash products are occupied the racks of supermarkets and medical stores because of mode of transmission of Corona virus. Its chief transmission method is droplet method and common.

What is R0 or R naught?
R0 or R naught is a mathematical term which indicates how contagious an infectious disease is. By using R0 value, the transmission rate of disease or its decline can be calculated. Preliminary studies estimated a global R0 value for COVID19 to be between 2and 3. This means each infected person has spread the virus to an average of 2-3 persons.
Modes of microbial transmission
Microbial organisms spread from one person to another in various modes. The important are
Direct Contact transmission – This is the most important and frequent mode of transmission which means skin to skin contact and there by physical transfer of micro organism.
Droplet transmission – Droplets of >5µm can travel for shorter distance (<3feet) ex- coughing, sneezing and talking.
Air borne transmission – Air borne droplet nuclei (≤5 µm size) or dust particles that remain suspended in the air for long time and can travel longer distance.
Vector- borne transmission – via Mosquitoes and Flies
Common vehicle transmission – Such as food, water, devices and equipments.
How to prevent the transmission?
The various preventive measures are following as per nature of organism and mode of spread. In general the following are in practical use
- Standard precautions – Hand washing and use no touch technique.
- PPE – Personal protective equipment
- Spillage cleaning
- Disinfection.
Out of above things, proper hand washing is insisted primarily by experts to prevent the transmission because hands are the main source.
Hand hygiene
Due to the hands are main source, hand hygiene is most important measure to avoid the transmission of harmful microbes and prevent the infections. Performing hand hygiene in proper way and at right time is important.
Types of Hand hygiene
Hand rub
Alcohol based (70-80% ethanol) and chlorhexidine (2-4%) based hand rubs available. The duration of contact has to be atleast for 20-30 seconds. No need of hand washing separately is advantage and it is not effective when hands are visibly dirty and soiled.

Hand wash
Frequent hand washing is one of the effective measures to prevent the viral transmission which can effectively remove the dirt and micro organisms on the skin. Antimicrobial soaps (Liquid, gel or bars) are efficient or even ordinary soap and water can be useful. The duration of contact is at least 40-60 seconds. Hand washing is indicated in following situations
- When hands are visibly dirty or soiled
- Before and after eating
- After using toilets
- Before and after shift of the duty

Steps of hand rubbing and hand washing
WHO has laid down the guidelines which describe the appropriate steps involved for an effective hand rubbing and hand washing.

Hand washes fortified with traditional herbals
Hand washes are more effective when fortified with traditional herbals which are in our daily routines. JRK’s Triklean herbal hand wash is a mixture of herbals with soap base which cleanses the hand and makes the hand microbe free. Neem and Turmeric are well known antiseptic herbals in traditional system.
On an average every time you use a conventional or popular hand wash brands you needed 300 to 400 ml of water to wash and still have hidden residue of the soapy handwash?
Assuming washing hands 4 times a day it's 1.6 litres a day. For a family of 4 that's nearly 5 litres a day. Today the entire globe has been advised to wash hands to be free from infections.
JRKs Triklean herbal hand wash is a carefully formulated effective hand wash that needs just a little over 100 ml of water per use. That's a saving of 200ml to 300ml of water per use in comparison. A family can save over 3 litres of water per day. Conservatively 50% savings. No compromises of course on action against the germs.

JRK’s Triklean herbal hand wash is a unique water saving, gentle on hands formula that spreads quickly, acts instantaneously and removes microbes effectively.
JRK’s Triklean herbal hand wash is a premium and well researched hand wash with the goodness of NTT -Neem, Tulsi and Turmeric which have proven protection from germs.
These natural Ingredients are commonly found in our backyard such as Neem, Tumeric and Tulsi. Neem is one of the miracle herbs, it has antibacterial, anti-parasitic, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties and provides a natural glow to the skin. Tulsi is a detoxifying agent that purifies and cleanses skin, removes impurities leaving the skin fresh & well exfoliated.
Unique features of JRK’s Triklean herbal handwash
- Saves water upto 50%*
- Kills 99.9% of germs*
- Unique action of damaging the membrane of microbes
- Immobilizes microbes through charge
- Offers prolonged protection from germs
- Provides NTT (Neem, Tulsi and Turmeric) Tri clean herbal guard
- Paraben free
*As per laboratory studies
Usage instructions:
- Wet your hands with water and apply hand wash.
- Scrub your hands by rubbing them together for min of 20 sec.
- Rinse your hands well under clean, running water.
Be a Germ buster
Wash your hands with JRK's Triklean Herbal Hand Wash